Monday, June 23, 2008


Published on June 23 2008 ,Expresso Page 6
ACUPUNCTURE - Drugless therapy to keep your Yin and Yang in balance

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C MITHRA is just over two years old. She has been declared hundred per cent deaf since birth and doctors suggested a cochlear implant. But her parents chose acupuncture rather than subject her to surgery at a tender age and now there is a medically certified 30 per cent improvement in her hearing.
What is the magic of acupuncture that brings so many people narrating wonder stories of a normal blood pressure or sugar, reduction in body weight, disappearance of migraine, strengthening of ligaments or vanishing kidney stones? Dr. M.N. Sankar, Chief Acupuncturist at the Hi-Cure Acupuncture Centre says this is not as an alternative healing method, but a native system of drugless therapy called Suchi Veda. His clinic functioning from T. Nagar is frequented not just by patients who have lost all hope of cure from a very critical condition of their disease.
Ask him about acupuncture’s role in fitness and the doctor says that’s the reason why China, Russia and Australia win more medals in sports! Particularly in China, acupuncture is a sports medicine which helps to tone muscles, improve vitality and balance the hormonal bio-secretions by tuning the right en ergy points. There is also facility for quick healing of ligament tear, spine dislocation, shoulder, neck or knee pain and repairing of tissues.
The system has to do with the Yin and Yang or the masculine and feminine energies in every human being. When they are in balance, there is health. More of Yin or more of Yang means disease.
Overpowering by either Yin or Yang means death. When the energy is in excess or deficient, bi-metal stainless steel needles tipped with copper are used to directly receive cosmic energy and send it to the affected parts along the energy channels of the body. This leaves the person refreshed and sometimes dozing off too! Many a time, a patient coming for treatment of one disease such as ligament tear or high pressure, end up reporting a cure for many other problems that they had such as fibroid, blood pressure, thyroid problems or ulcers that vanished after treatment. “Acupuncture has several positive side effects,” the doctor says.
Acupuncture has the same five-element philosophy, as does Ayurveda where the body, which is a miniature version of the Universe, is composed of five elements such as Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Wood. Thus the ailments are interconnected. Less energy in the gall bladder may result in a weak heart. Tuning the gall bladder points will avert a heart ailment and strengthen weak ligaments too. It is this interconnectedness that makes a patient suffering kidney failure to experience suffocation of the lungs. “In the event of an epidemic threat in China, the Government advises the public to tune in the relevant acupuncture points,” the doctor who had his M.D. Degree in Acupuncture from the Shanghai University, says.
Tradition of ornaments: Piercing the ears and nose is traditional Indian acupuncture. The ornaments are not just for beauty, but to trigger the vital energy points in the system.
The view of acupuncture is that no organ – whether the uterus, gall bladder, appendix or kidney should be removed as every organ has a vital role to play in the body’s function. This is no empty dream, but has been a proved possibility for a number of patients who have witnessed it in their lives.
C MITHRA is just over two years old. She has been declared hundred per cent deaf since birth and doctors suggested a cochlear implant. But her parents chose acupuncture rather than subject her to surgery at a tender age and now there is a medically certified 30 per cent im- provement in her hearing. What is the magic of acupuncture that brings so many people narrating won- der stories of a normal blood pressure or sugar, reduction in body weight, dis- appearance of migraine, strengthening of ligaments or vanishing kidney stones? Dr. M.N. Sankar, Chief Acupunc- turist at the Hi-Cure Acupuncture Cen- tre says this is not as an alternative heal- ing method, but a native system of drug- less therapy called Suchi Veda. His clin- ic functioning from T. Nagar is frequent- ed not just by patients who have lost all hope of cure from a very critical condi- tion of their disease. Ask him about acupuncture’s role in fitness and the doctor says that’s the rea- son why China, Russia and Australia win more medals in sports! Particular- ly in China, acupuncture is a sports med- icine which helps to tone muscles, im- prove vitality and balance the hormon- al bio-secretions by tuning the right en- ergy points. There is also facility for quick healing of ligament tear, spine dislocation, shoulder, neck or knee pain and repairing of tissues. The system has to do with the Yin and Yang or the masculine and feminine en- ergies in every human being. When they are in balance, there is health. More of Yin or more of Yang means disease. Overpowering by either Yin or Yang means death. When the energy is in ex- cess or deficient, bi-metal stainless steel needles tipped with copper are used to directly receive cosmic energy and send it to the affected parts along the energy channels of the body. This leaves the person refreshed and sometimes dozing off too! Many a time, a patient coming for treatment of one disease such as liga- ment tear or high pressure, end up re- porting a cure for many other problems that they had such as fibroid, blood pres- sure, thyroid problems or ulcers that vanished after treatment. “Acupuncture has several positive side effects,” the doctor says. Acupuncture has the same five-ele- ment philosophy, as does Ayurveda where the body, which is a miniature version of the Universe, is composed of five elements such as Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Wood. Thus the ailments are interconnected. Less energy in the gall bladder may result in a weak heart. Tun- ing the gall bladder points will avert a heart ailment and strengthen weak lig- aments too. It is this interconnectedness that makes a patient suffering kidney failure to experience suffocation of the lungs. “In the event of an epidemic threat in China, the Government advis- es the public to tune in the relevant acupuncture points,” the doctor who had his M.D. Degree in Acupuncture from the Shanghai University, says. Tradition of ornaments: Piercing the ears and nose is traditional Indian acupuncture. The ornaments are not just for beauty, but to trigger the vital energy points in the system. The view of acupuncture is that no organ – whether the uterus, gall blad- der, appendix or kidney should be re- moved as every organ has a vital role to play in the body’s function. This is no empty dream, but has been a proved pos- sibility for a number of patients who have witnessed it in their lives. —Swahilya

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