Monday, June 23, 2008

UB+ve - A must have universal blood group!

IF there is one thing that can make or break our life situations on a moment-to-moment basis – it is the unseen factor of our self, called thought. Many a book has been written and innumerable words have been spoken on just this one factor called mind, which is nothing but a bundle of thoughts.
There are many words that are commonly used to refer to a successful mind – centred, focussed, will power, balanced, cool. If someone is successful in their life, they have consciously or unconsciously harnessed their mind energy in the direction of success. If someone feels that they are down in the dumps, a failure, depressed, then the reason is nothing but that the mind that has been distracted into splinters that they do not have it with them to focus on the present moment.
To understand the power of distraction, we can look into the meaning of the word traction.
Traction is the process of using weights to set right displacement of bones. With application of energy in a focussed manner distressing situations can be set right. Conversely distraction happens when , the mind, which has to be focussed on being in the present moment, is often saddled with the worries of the past or anxieties of the future. So it is not available in the now. To do any work, it is important to be in the now. Have you ever tried sending the tip of a thread through the eye of a needle? It is a simple task, which requires total concentration. The eyes should clearly see the tiny passage. Else the thread will often separate when it touches the metal on the needle instead of the space between.
When total focus and concentration in the present moment is required for a simple task as threading the needle easily, one can understand the oneness of intention for other tasks like writing, reading, listening, understanding, physical activity, playing games.
Our success is solely dependent on this one aspect of oneness of purpose and concentration.
To talk of a focussed mind is easily said, but achieving such a state requires some training, effort and practice. There are many ways to this, but one sure way is through the breath.
Swahilya Writer and speaker on human resources (
IF there is one thing that can make or break our life situations on a moment-to-moment basis – it is the unseen factor of our self, called thought. Many a book has been written and innumerable words have been spoken on just this one factor called mind, which is noth- ing but a bundle of thoughts. There are many words that are commonly used to refer to a suc- cessful mind – centred, focussed, will power, balanced, cool. If some- one is successful in their life, they have consciously or unconscious- ly harnessed their mind energy in the direction of success. If some- one feels that they are down in the dumps, a failure, depressed, then the reason is nothing but that the mind that has been distracted into splinters that they do not have it with them to focus on the present moment. To understand the power of dis- traction, we can look into the meaning of the word traction. Traction is the process of using weights to set right displacement of bones. With application of en- ergy in a focussed manner distress- ing situations can be set right. Con- versely distraction happens when , the mind, which has to be focussed on being in the present moment, is often saddled with the worries of the past or anxieties of the fu- ture. So it is not available in the now. To do any work, it is impor- tant to be in the now. Have you ever tried sending the tip of a thread through the eye of a needle? It is a simple task, which requires to- tal concentration. The eyes should clearly see the tiny passage. Else the thread will often separate when it touches the metal on the needle instead of the space be- tween. When total focus and concentra- tion in the present moment is re- quired for a simple task as thread- ing the needle easily, one can un- derstand the oneness of intention for other tasks like writing, read- ing, listening, understanding, physical activity, playing games. Our success is solely dependent on this one aspect of oneness of purpose and concentration. To talk of a focussed mind is eas- ily said, but achieving such a state requires some training, effort and practice. There are many ways to this, but one sure way is through the breath.

Swahilya Writer and speaker on human resources ( (June 23, 08).

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